what are your rates?

Hourly Tracking: $30 / hr

Studio Rates will vary depending on where you decide to track and are in addition to my $30 / hr rate. All tracking sessions are billed hourly.

Editing / Mixing / Post for video or streaming audio is highly dependent on length of project, number of tracks, and whats needed to be done for delivery. For this reason, we’ll have to chat about it. Send me an email!

Mixing Rate ( music tracks ): $150 / per song

For EP’s or full albums I like to do 25 % off the total cause I love to do a full body of work. This is assuming that all the tracks sent are “mix ready-ish” and don’t need a mountain of editing, time aligning, vocal tuning, ect. I’m expecting to spend about 5 hours on a song.

Look, 5 hours isn’t much time to spend on a song and, if I’m being honest, I almost always spend more time than that.

What do you mean by “mixed ready-ish”?

What I mean by mix ready is: I get all the files labeled in a way that makes sense. Those files don’t need more than 2hrs of editing.

I’ll be open about this when I receive your files and check them out. I just want to give a baseline and from there we can work out something reasonable.

What format to send my files?

I work in Pro Tools. If its possible to receive a copy of the entirety of the session files at their original resolution that is preferable. I can do the same for Logic and Garageband sessions. If you're using something else -fret not! There are many ways.

I will send a helpful guide on how to get your tracks to me via email once we connect.

What is it like working with you?

What do I think its like working with me?” is a better title, I guess. Well - I will choose kindness and cooperation first. I want to be your biggest fan. Honest.

I love a good synchronicity and happy accident. I know the importance of mental health and try my best to make your experience as stress free as I can. So much of performance is a psychological en devour - so set and setting are extremely important to me and I like to bring that energy to my sessions. I like to get it right in the room and when tracking or mixing a sense of place, depth, and emotional texture needs to be present.

That’s where I’m coming from.

I’ve never worked with anyone I haven’t come to cherish and I’d like to keep it that way.